Meet Bloom Dancewear - Huntsville, AL

Shop: Bloom Dancewear
Location: Huntsville, AL
We stock items for dance, gymnastics, cheerleading, twirling, and workout attire, but I feel our expertise is in fitting pointe shoes. We are very particular about which employees are qualified to fit pointe shoes and we pride ourselves in having nearly 20 years experience in making certain our dancers are fit correctly and are happy with their shoes!

Patty Miller Bloom Dancewear
Patty Miller, Owner of Bloom Dancewear

What is your background and what led you to start your business?

I danced from the time I was four years old until I graduated from college. I cheered throughout junior high and high school, and also at the University of Utah for 3 years. I was blessed to have two daughters who also loved dance and cheerleading and who participated in both throughout their college careers. 

When the local dance store became available to purchase, the girls came to me with the idea it could be a fun family business. I bought the store in 2003 and have never regretted our business venture! 

Through the years, both daughters have married, had families, and gone into their own businesses. They are very happy to help out at Bloom if and when I need them. I love my dance store and the employees that I have working with me. They are my Bloom family!

What keeps you going and doing what you're doing as a store owner?

My love for children and my love for helping people discover and enjoy dancing.

What do you love most about providing dancewear to your community?

My greatest love is helping the beginning dancers; the tinier the better! I truly enjoy getting those little ones ready for their first dance class! It is the best.

bloom dancewear dance store huntsville alabama

Bloom Dancewear, Huntsville, AL 

What are some favorite brands that your store carries, and why?

I love many brands and carry probably many more than I should. I love having a variety of brands and many choices. Our inventory is very large and my business motto has always been "you can't sell from an empty cart!" and believe me, our cart is never empty! 

I adore the classic companies like Bloch, Eurotard, So Danca, Capezio, Grishko, Russian Pointe, etc. but I also love the newer, smaller companies like PointePeople, Five Dancewear, and Bullet Pointe. They bring fashion and technology to the traditional dance stores.

What sets your store apart from other dancewear retailers, and why?

I believe it’s customer service and the fact that we have most sizes and styles in stock. We rarely (but happily!) have to order for customers. My employees know that the most important quality I look for when hiring them, is kindness and respect for our customers.

bloom dancewear dance store huntsville alabama

Bloom Dancewear, Huntsville, AL 

Are there any new dancewear and/or accessory trends you’ve noticed lately?

Yes! Wearing non-dance clothes to dance (Nike and LuluLemon), no tights, and bikers have returned to the dance floor! Who knew!?

What are some of your best-selling products?

Like most stores we sell more shoes and tights than anything. Of course at competition times, fashion leotards and tops are a big seller.

bloom dancewear dance store huntsville alabama

Bloom Dancewear, Huntsville, AL 

A lot of dancers struggle to find pointe shoes that fit correctly and flatter their feet. Do you have any advice for finding the perfect pair of pointe shoes?

My advice is simple: never buy online because each and every pointe shoe is different in the fit, even if the size is the same. Always go to someone who is knowledgeable and has experience fitting shoes.

Let the fitter choose the shoe that best suits the shape of your foot. Just because your friend wears a certain shoe or style, doesn't mean that shoe will be the best one for you.

Lastly, work with the person fitting you. By that, I mean communicate with them and tell them how the shoe feels. Sometimes, when dancers don't talk and tell you what they are experiencing, it is tough to get the perfect fit.

bloom dancewear dance store huntsville alabama

Bloom Dancewear, Huntsville, AL 

In your opinion, is there a “must-have” item for any dancer or specific type of dancer?

I think for most dancers it's their shoes. Whether it is tap, jazz, pointe, ballroom, or basic ballet. I feel that the proper shoe and fit enhance the entire dance experience and performance.

What made you make the decision to carry Pointe Paint?

It’s the answer to every dance teacher's request to have pointe shoes match the costume, dancer's skin tone, or choreographer's vision! Once I experienced using Pointe Paint, it was obviously the easiest and most efficient way to dye pointe shoes - no mess and no shrinkage.

What’s one thing you want customers to know about you and/or your store?

Bloom is not your typical dance store: it’s bigger, brighter, and friendlier than most stores.

I am not a typical retail store owner. I work 7 days a week (even though we are closed Sunday) at making Bloom the best dance store in the country. It's important to me to know that I have tried to be the best and also provide the best.

bloom dancewear dance store huntsville alabama

Bloom Dancewear, Huntsville, AL 

Is there anything else you'd like to share with the PointePeople community?

I want to encourage dancers to support your local dance stores as much as possible.

Throughout the pandemic, we all got used to shopping online and not going into our small retail stores. Now that restrictions are lessening and life is returning to some normalcy, please shop with your local retailers.

We need you and you need us! It would be heartbreaking for me to never get the opportunity to promote the importance of exercise and fitness and to encourage the love of dance.

Contact information:
Location: 3050 Leeman Ferry Rd SW, Huntsville, AL 35801
Phone: (256) 533-2623
Instagram: @bloomdancewear | Facebook

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