Nourish: 5 Ways to "Eat Your Water" this Summer

It's that time of year! You're all taking well-deserved breaks from the studio before heading off to summer intensives all over the world. We can't wait to follow your journey and don't forget to continue to tag us in your #FeelGoodDanceBetter pictures! Not sure what those photos look like? They're anything you do to stay healthy and well as a dancer.

When you're training hard away from home without a proper kitchen (or your Mom!), it's difficult to stick to your regular food routine. On top of that, as the summer heats up, it becomes more and more important to stay hydrated and more and more difficult to reach your daily water goals without feeling like you're floating away in your leotard and tights. Really though! Which other athletes have this challenge?

We put together a list of foods that you'll be able to find at any cafeteria around the country that will allow you to "eat your water" this summer in order to stay hydrated, keep your body happy, and dance your best.


Comment below with other foods you use to stay hydrated! 


1.) Watermelon (92% water), Grapefruit (90% water), Orange (87% water), and Pineapple (85% water) #WGOP

It's no wonder that watermelon chunks are always the first ones to go in that summer fruit salad at the cafeteria. Remember this: #WGOP (water goals on pointe...obviously) - watermelon first, grapefruit second, oranges third, and pineapple fourth when it comes to the water content.

2.) Yogurt (88% water) ...and add some chia seeds.

Cafeterias generally have a decent yogurt selection, but when you head to the grocery store, grab a bag of chia seeds to keep in your dorm room. Sprinkle them over yogurt or add to your oatmeal in the morning. Did you know that chia absorbs some crazy amount more than their weight in water? They also help regulate fluid levels and retain electrolytes throughout long rehearsals in high heat and humidity.

3.) Cucumber and Tomatoes (both 96% water)

Sometimes the salad bar can get boring but just mixing together a quick cucumber and tomato salad can up your #watergame tremendously for the day.

4.) Spinach (92% water)

Iceberg lettuce has a higher water content, but spinach is the one that is chock-full of vitamins and minerals. It's also a key player in keeping your body hydrated. Can you believe that flat little leaf is actually 92% water? Pile some raw spinach leaves on a sandwich or chow down on a bed of leaves to also help keep things flowing well aka avoiding constipation.

5.) Bell Pepper (92% water) and Baby Carrots (90% water) 

These bad boys are perfect to throw in your dance bag and have as a late day/pre-dinner snack at summer intensives. Coming in at 92% water and 90% water respectively, you can rest assured that you're chewing your water well with these.

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