Perspective: Interview with the Rust Twins

If you've ever had the privilege of meeting the Rust twins you know that they are something very special. Although they each have their own unique personalities, the way that one's energy feeds the other is incredible. When Morgan and Julia agreed to be interviewed by PointePeople (while on vacation in the sun!) we knew we had to dig a little deeper than just another interview about life in the studio.

We asked them to fill out their interviews alone and to keep their answers short. We couldn't be more pleased with the result! Both dancers clearly have bright futures but getting to know who they are offstage was exactly what we wanted for this PointePeople interview.

PS: Read to the bottom to find out where these two are heading to train next year!


Let's get started...


Vanilla or chocolate?

Morgan: Chocolate
Julia: Chocolate

Eggs or oatmeal?

Morgan: Oatmeal
Julia: Oatmeal

Apples or bananas?

Morgan: Banana
Julia: Apple

Call or text?

Morgan: Text
Julia: Text

Petite allegro or Grand allegro?

Morgan: Grand allegro
Julia: Grand allegro


...and for the details!


Who is older? 

Morgan: Me!
Julia: Morgan

What time do you wake up in the morning?

Morgan: 7am
Julia: 7am

How do you take your coffee or tea?

Morgan: I prefer tea with agave in it.
Julia: My favorite is tea with a bit of agave.

What is your morning routine?

Morgan: Usually, I have oatmeal to start my day then get ready before I have day classes at Indiana Ballet Conservatory. If I have extra time before class I try to get some school done.
Julia: I start my day by reading a devotional, eating breakfast, and then I get ready for my day.

Are you a night owl or early riser?

Morgan: Early riser
Julia: Night owl

Who keeps their room cleaner?

Morgan: Me!
Julia: Morgan

Do you agree on the same shampoo and conditioner?

Morgan: Yes
Julia: Yes

Who takes longer to get ready for ballet?

Morgan: Probably Julia!
Julia: Me (Julia) ; )

What's one thing you do well (outside the studio!) that your sister is not so good at?

Morgan: I don't really do anything outside the studio ; )
Julia: I have no clue!

Describe your sister in 3 words:

Morgan: Kind-hearted, loving, and passionate.
Julia: Awesome, determined, and funny. 

Do you have a nickname for your sister?

Morgan: "Jules"
Julia: "Momo"

What's your favorite healthy snack?

Morgan: Kefir
Julia: Fresh fruit

What was the last text you sent your sister?

Morgan: (we'll let your imagination run wild but we promised Morgan not to include hers!)
Julia: a link to a video of Les Sylphides

What was the last disagreement you two had?

Morgan: Leaving on time : )
Julia: Over leaving on time

Have you ever had any unexplainable "twin" moments?

Morgan: All the time!
Julia: All the time!!

What is the funniest memory you have of your sister?

Morgan: We were on vacation when we were younger and there was a glass screen to go outside. She kept running into it because my parents were telling her it was open.
Julia: When Morgan got into the car after her first class with Miss Alonya when we were 7 or 8 years old and she said, "She makes little girls cry! I love her!"

What is your favorite thing about your sister?

Morgan: How much she gives to others.
Julia: She is like my second half! She balances me out.

What do you do for fun?

Morgan: I listen to music or read.
Julia: I love to read when I have time.

What does your sister think about most?

Morgan: Food!
Julia: Probably a combination of weird things like ballet, food, celebrities, music, etc.

What is the best piece of advice you've been given?

Morgan: "Your talent is a gift from God, what you do with that talent is your gift back to Him."
Julia: True joy is Jesus first, others second, and yourself last.

What is something on your bucket list?

Morgan: To get a job as a ballet dancer. Honestly though!
Julia: I went to list the roles I want to do (in a dream situation), and there were too many! If I could narrow it down, it would be Aurora from Sleeping Beauty, Jewels, and In the Middle Somewhat Elevated.

If you could invite 3 people (dead or alive) to a dinner party, who would they be?

Morgan: Irina Koplakova, Robert Downey Jr., and Shawn Mendes
Julia: Irina Kolpakova, Harry Styles, and Albert Einstein

What is the best gift you have ever received?

Morgan: A ring that was blessed in Russia from my teachers Mom.
Julia: A Tiffany necklace that matches my Mom and sister. That, or a ring that was give to me by my teacher's mother.

What is the best thing about being a twin?

Morgan: Knowing someone always has your back.
Julia: We know each other better than ourselves.

Complete this sentence: "My sister is..."

Morgan: Hilarious.
Julia: Fabulous.


...and for the ballet questions:


How do you prep your pointe shoes?

Morgan: I break the box and sometimes cut the shank.
Julia: I just wear them for a while to make sure they are at a good point (not too hard to roll through but still helps me lift up).

What is your favorite thing about Indiana Ballet Conservatory?

Morgan: The teachers.
Julia: The teachers and training are amazing. And the fact that IBC is like my family.

Do you have lucky leotards? If so, which?

Morgan: I don't have a lucky leotard, but I have a lucky pair of Fleecy's I wear!
Julia: No, but I do have a pair of legwarmers that I like to wear while warming up before every performance.

Who is your biggest source of inspiration?

Morgan: My Mom.
Julia: Jesus, my family, and other dancers.

What are you most looking forward to at Washington School of Ballet?

Morgan: Getting to work with Xiomara and Rinat, as well as becoming more of an artist while I dance.
Julia: So many things! Being around the company and being taught by Xiomara Reyes and Rinat Imaev. 

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